Chiang Mai

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In chronological order:

Bangkok 1  -  Pictures of Bangkok   

Ko Samui  -  Pictures of Ko Samui

Ang Thong Marine Park  -  Pictures of Ang Thong                 

Ko Taen 1  -  Pictures of Ko Taen   

Ko Taen 2                                   

Chiang Mai  -  Pictures of Chiang Mai

Loy Krathong  -  Pictures of Loy Krathong

Bangkok 2                                   


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Tuesday 30th October 2001

Robs -

Ko Samui airport look like something from Hawaii 5-0, all tiny thatched buildings, tall palms, banana trees. "Will passengers for Bangkok please go to Terminal One" As opposed to - what? There is ONLY Terminal One. We flew Ko Samui - Bangkok - Chiang Mai via standby tickets. 

Here in Chiang Mai we are staying in an old wooden guesthouse with low rooms surrounding a courtyard full of bamboo, banana trees with tables dotted around, weather beaten because they are left out in all weathers. It's very atmospheric, and breakfast is served out here on a verandah totally covered in vegetation. 

Mostly we have been shopping and drinking here. Yet again Pablo, Cobbs and myself left ahead of John and the rest - they wanted more time on the islands. After several cockups we were reunited with them yesterday (Monday), and we also met up with Ro and Hugh who are 2 months into their world tour. We all went to the rooftop "THC Bob Marley Bar" until 2am which as you can imagine was a laugh. 

Today (Tuesday) was the first day we did a proper trip out, to a hot springs and Buddhist temple. What do you think the Thais might do at a hot spring? 


The hot springs are gathered into little pools, and you buy a gay little basket with 6 eggs in it. You leave them in the water for 8 minutes, then sit at a table and eat them with soy sauce. It's actually delicious, but a funny sight - all these little baskets simmering away. It wasn't a tourist thing either - we were the only non-Thais there at first, and it was popular with families. 

We had a swim in in the hot mineral springs and it was really really relaxing. 

Whoah I'm going to go right now - a Buddhist monk temple band had just started playing outside! The best bit is yet to come, we have timed our visit perfectly for the annual festival of LOY KRATHONG. It's tomorrow, and we can't WAIT. 

See you soon. I haven't bought a Buddha. Honest. Hope you are well, and hope you are CAMPING in your lovely October weather HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 

JP xxxxxx

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